Bedfan Sleep Blog

Sudores nocturnos con olor a vinagre

The causes of sweats that smell like vinegar were discussed in a prior blog post (Night Sweats Smell Like Vinegar); however, that post focused on diseases that cause the condition. That leaves a lot of things unaddressed, such as other...


Night Sweats and Diarrhea

Diarrhea and night sweats can be symptomatic of a variety of different conditions. They usually are indicative of an issue within the stomach. However, regardless of what you suspect the issue to be, your first move should be to contact...


Night Sweats Smell Like Vinegar

Sweat can smell in various ways, but for the general person, a deviation in the scent of the sweat can be cause for concern. There are millions of sweat glands across the body, mainly scentless ones called eccrine glands, as...


Too stressed to sleep

At some point, you’ve probably found yourself wide awake in bed, unable to sleep, with your thoughts running a mile a minute and being unable to shake the feeling of stress. Unfortunately, this situation is all too common, and stress...


Covid-19 and Night Sweats

Covid-19 can present itself with many symptoms, such as night sweats, that vary from person to person. To make matters even more complicated, it has multiple variants that present with slightly different symptoms.      Covid-19 generally presents with the following...