Bedfan Sleep Blog

Melatonin and Sleep

     Melatonin is generally called “the sleep hormone,” and anyone who has had issues winding down at night is likely familiar with it. Many people take synthetic melatonin as a supplement at night to help them wind down and...


Talking in Your Sleep

A lot of us have talked in our sleep at some point in our life. The degree to which varies greatly though, as it might be just a word or sound, or it may be a whole dialogue. So, what causes...


Sleep Walking

Most of us know someone who sleepwalks on the regular- you might even be that person! Sleepwalking, formally called somnambulism, is a very strange parasomnia, which can lead people to do things that are very out of the ordinary for...


How Light Affects Sleep

All of the human senses play an important role in sleep wellness. But the most important of those is how we interact with light. To fully understand the effects of light, we need to dig deeper into the body's circadian...